Introduction to Guzheng Songs

106 views · Organized by 钟离 on 2022-01-28

There are five ancient guzheng songs: "High Mountains and Flowing Water", "Guangling San", "Pingsha Falling Wild Goose", "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms", and "Eighteen Beats of Hu Jia". It is mainly composed of panel, bottom plate, zither edge, zither head, Yueshan, yards, piano nails, sound holes and strings.

"High Mountains and Flowing Water" comes from the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a story between a man named Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi's bosom friend. Later, Zhong Ziqi unfortunately died of an illness. Before he died, he left a last word that he would build the tomb by the river, and when they met on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month, he would listen to Yu Boya's qin. He was deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Zhiyin, so Yu Boya came to Zhong Ziqi's grave and played the ancient song "High Mountains and Flowing Water" mournfully.

Introduction to Guzheng Songs

"Guangling San" is also known as "Guangling Cease". Legend has it that it was originally a folk music popular in Guangling area in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. There are only guqin tunes left, the earliest recorded in "Magic Secret Pu". There is no content recorded in the early days, and most qin masters now interpret it according to the folklore of Nie Zheng assassinating King Han. According to "Qin Cao": Nie Zheng, a Korean during the Warring States Period, whose father cast a sword for King Han was killed by delay. In order to avenge his father, after going to Mount Tai to study the piano hard for ten years, he swallowed charcoal, changed his tone, and returned to Korea. He played the piano not far from the palace. When King Han learned about it, he called him into the palace to play, but Nie Zheng took advantage of his surprise and stabbed King Han with a dagger from the belly of the piano. In order not to implicate her mother, she disfigured herself and committed suicide.

Introduction to Guzheng Songs

"Pingsha Luoyan" is also known as "Yan Luopingsha" or "Pingsha", the author is unknown. After its publication, it has been loved by qin masters, widely circulated, and has many versions. It is one of the most popular qin pieces. For the understanding of Quqing, some describe the autumn scenery; some embody the ambition of Huhong; some express the feeling that the world is not as dangerous as the wild goose. The tone and tone are quiet and beautiful, there is movement in stillness, the melody is undulating, continuous, and beautiful.

Introduction to Guzheng Songs

"Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" is a song that borrows objects to cherish the feelings. Through the white, fragrant and cold-resistant characteristics of plum blossoms, it praises people with noble sentiments. do".

Introduction to Guzheng Songs

"Eighteen Shots of Hu Jia" At the end of the Han Dynasty, Cai Yan (Wen Ji), the daughter of Cai Yong, a famous writer and guqin master, was captured by the Huns during the military chaos, and stayed in the South Huns and Zuo Xian as his concubine, and gave birth to two children. . Later, Cao Cao sent someone to bring her back, and she wrote a long poem, narrating her tragic life experience and the feelings of homesickness and other children. Emotional sadness and excitement, very touching. Eighteen beats means eighteen songs. And because the poem was written by her feeling Hu Jia's lamentation, it is called "Hu Jia Eighteen Beats" or "Hu Jia Ming".

Introduction to Guzheng Songs

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Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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