Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society was officially inaugurated

173 views · Organized by Fucui on 2022-12-27

Recently, the opening ceremony of "Learn the Top 20 · Jiangxi Poyang Zheng First" Jiangxi Guzheng Society, Jiangxi Guzheng culture and art achievement Exhibition, Guzheng master concert was held in Jiangxi Art Center. Li Huadong, member of the Standing Committee of CPPCC National Committee and Vice Chairman of Provincial CPPCC, Zhu Hong, President of Jiangxi Provincial Culture and Tourism Research and Promotion Association, leaders of provincial Propaganda Department, National Red Gene Inheritance Research Center Office, Provincial Party History Research Office, Provincial Federation of Culture and Tourism, Provincial Culture and Performance Group, Nanchang Municipal People's Government, Qingshanhu District Government and other relevant units attended the meeting.

Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society was officially inaugurated

At the opening ceremony, Xie Xiaobin, President of Jiangxi Guzheng Society, Li Meng, Vice president of China Guzheng Society and professor of Central Conservatory of Music, Long Guoying, vice mayor of Nanchang Municipal Government, Zhang Yue, member of Party Group and vice chairman of Provincial Federation of Literature and Culture, and Zhu Hong, president of Provincial Culture and Tourism Research and Promotion Association, made speeches successively. It was unanimously expressed that the establishment of Jiangxi Guzheng Society would further promote the popularization and development of Guzheng art in Nanchang and Jiangxi, enhance the soft power of Nanchang culture, provide strong spiritual motivation and cultural support for Nanchang to show its role as the provincial capital, and have a milestone significance for the further prosperity and development of Jiangxi literature and art. It is hoped that Jiangxi Guzheng Society will focus on the goal of "demonstrating and fighting for the lead", actively practice the people-oriented orientation, display the new atmosphere of Jiangxi's literature and art with more and better literary works, and accelerate the high-quality development of literature and art by keeping to the right and innovating.

Before the unveiling ceremony, participants concentrated on visiting Jiangxi Province Guzheng cultural and artistic achievements exhibition. It is agreed that this exhibition comprehensively reviews the development of guzheng culture in Jiangxi Province, and clearly plans the future development direction.  Zhu Hong pointed out in the preface that he expected Jiangxi Guzheng Society to take the catalpa of Sibin as zither and gather the materials of Pogan, to further promote and popularize guzheng culture, dig Jiangxi's green, ancient and red cultural resources, adapt to local conditions and integrate into Jiangxi cultural tourism resources, shape Jiangxi's cultural image with guzheng, and build guzheng culture into a new business card of Jiangxi's cultural brand. Further contribute to the promotion of cultural communication and influence of Jiangxi Poyang.

Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society was officially inaugurated

Melodious music around the heart, fingertip outflow springs. After the unveiling ceremony, the Guzheng master concert kicked off brilliantly. This concert will be performed by four contemporary zither masters Li Meng, Fan Yifeng, Ren Jie and Fan Ran, Nanchang Symphony Orchestra and national first-class conductor Xiao Chao. The concert repertoire is innovative. "Nao Yuanxiao", "Su Wu homesick" and "West Cool Sand Shadow" represent the local zither music style, reflecting the historical charm and cultural connotation of the zither inherited for thousands of years. The dream ", the present paper arrives at an inter pretation "Chuo" "contemporary Chinese zither in ocean blue" instrument of expression, skill and innovation of inclusive and ages. The virtuoso performance skills and rich musical expression won the audience bursts of applause.

Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society was officially inaugurated

It is reported that Jiangxi Province Guzheng Society is the provincial level guzheng professional society registered by the provincial Federation of Arts and Culture, settled in Nanchang City Qingshan Lake District Tangshan Town. The exhibition and concert are organized by Jiangxi Provincial Culture and Tourism Research and Promotion Association and Nanchang Cultural Radio, Television, Press and Publication Tourism Bureau, and organized by Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society, Qingshan Lake Cultural Radio, Television, Press and Publication Tourism Bureau and Tangshan Town Government of Qingshan Lake District.

It is understood that the first member congress of Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society was held on the same day, and the president, vice president and secretary general of Jiangxi Provincial Guzheng Society were elected. The Chinese Guzheng Society and more than 30 provincial and municipal Guzheng societies sent congratulatory messages.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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