Large-scale multimedia Sun Wenming Erhu scene concert: sound and light focus on "searching" string tone heart rhyme

242 views · Organized by 某某 on 2023-07-24

Recently, by the Fengxian District national intangible heritage project "Jiangnan Sun Erhu Art" representative inheritor Ruyi and Nine trees Philharmonic Orchestra brought the cooperation of "Reinterpretation of" civilization "- large-scale multimedia Sun Wenming Erhu scene concert was held in Nine trees (Shanghai) Future Art Center.

Large-scale multimedia Sun Wenming Erhu scene concert: sound and light focus on

As the lights in the hall dimmed, golden quicksand-like particles gradually appeared on the projection screen, and eventually changed into a shadow pulling an erhu. The Erhu sound of Liubo Qu, one of Sun Wenming's representative works, also sounded in the performance hall. It is understood that Sun Wenming is one of the three famous folk musicians in China along with Liu Tianhua and Hua Yanjun. His life is just like his most classic work "Flowing Wave Song", although he is a grassroots artist, he always sticks to the artistic ideal, and finally rises to the top of the temple of national music. In the erhu playing skills, Sun Wenming is very creative, according to the performance of the music needs to adopt a unique octave tuning.

Large-scale multimedia Sun Wenming Erhu scene concert: sound and light focus on

"' Flow Song 'is so good." The audience exclaimed, "This song tells the story of his life, especially bumpy, but you can feel his optimism."

The concert performed five representative works of Liubo Song, Playing Music, Nocturna Sound, Volunteers Returning to the Motherland and Erqin Light, presenting the short and brilliant life of the outstanding folk musician Sun Wenming artistically, deeply integrating his piano skills, his feelings and spirit into the spirit, temperament and thought of the city.

After watching the entire performance, the students praised the overall integration effect, "I think the most impressive is the" Two Qin bright ", before listening to only the erhu performance, but today's performance with the aid of multimedia, such visual enjoyment seems to show us a feeling beyond reality."

In fact, the pun on the theme of this concert, "re-interpretation", refers not only to the re-interpretation of Sun Wenming's erhu art, but also to "re-release". These pieces were re-created and arranged by the Ethnographic music Department of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, combining the rhythmic style and aesthetic taste contained in Sun Wenming's Erhu with western orchestral orchestration, symphonic orchestration, multimedia presentation, sound and optoelectronic combination, so that the audience was mesmerized.

"Today Ruyi teacher did such a scene interpretation is very good, the Erhu skills and the common people can accept the aesthetic way to do a perfect combination." Chen Ping, director of the Intangible Heritage Department of Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau, said that Fengxian is the home of Sun Wenming's artistic life and the birthplace of Liubo Qu. This concert focuses on the promotion of the cultural soft power of Shanghai as an international metropolis and the creation of Fengxian "Xianmei Culture" and "New Jiangnan Culture", aiming to realize the innovative development and creative transformation of intangible cultural heritage under the guidance of "Jiangnan Sun Erhu Art", a national intangible cultural heritage representative project in Fengxian District of Shanghai. "I hope there will be more projects in the future to give people better contact, so that we can inherit intangible heritage for a long time and do better and better." "Chen Ping said.

Large-scale multimedia Sun Wenming Erhu scene concert: sound and light focus on

It is reported that "Tianxian Qin Dream" Sun Wenming Erhu art protection and inheritance theme photo exhibition has also been opened, the general public and music lovers can go to the Nine Trees (Shanghai) Future Art Center to watch.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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