Lequan Village, Miaoshan Town, Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province: Erhu plays the song of becoming rich

147 views · Organized by 小埋 on 2023-02-09

Walking through the alleyways, the sound of a long piano came from the ear, sometimes lingering, such as singing and crying, sometimes passionate and soul-stirring. Follow the sound. Inside the room, a young man holds an erhu and pushes it rhythmically. The erhu is hung on the wall behind him.

When I saw the reporter, the piano stopped suddenly. The boy put down the erhu and said with a shy smile: "Prepare for the live broadcast. Try some new erhu in advance."

The "post 90s" young man is superb and has a special love for erhu since childhood. His hometown, Lequan Village, Miaoshan Town, Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, is famous for its erhu production. As early as the end of the Qing Dynasty, the villagers of Lequan Village had begun to make ethnic musical instruments such as erhu by hand, with a history of more than 100 years. Gao Chao's family has four generations of "love" erhu. "When I was very young, my father made the erhu. I watched it nearby. Later, I fell in love with the erhu and gradually learned this craft," Gao Chao said.

Lequan Village, Miaoshan Town, Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province: Erhu plays the song of becoming rich

In recent years, Lequan Village in Miaoshan Town has led the Lequan Erhu Cooperative through the Party branch to attract professional musical instrument manufacturers, purchase and contact the source of goods. Today, almost every household has mastered the erhu making skills, with 105 producing households, accounting for more than 85% of the total number of households in the village. Musical instruments are exported to more than 20 provinces, including Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Anhui, with an annual output value of 400 million yuan. Driven by the radiation of Lequan Village, many villagers in Miaoshan Town set foot on the road to prosperity by making erhu, with more than 20000 employees.

In order to improve and strengthen the characteristic industry of erhu, Miaoshan Town, guided by the situation, opened erhu production training classes and regularly held erhu production technology competitions to further improve the villagers' erhu production technology level and enhance the popularity and reputation of "Miaoshan erhu". At the same time, actively expand sales channels, increase capital investment, build incubation workshops, training bases and other places, carry out e-commerce training courses, and give full guidance from production, store opening, shelf goods to store promotion, live broadcast and delivery.

In recent years, the superb piano making skills have become increasingly sophisticated, and they have also learned a lot of e-commerce skills. They have made a short video of the erhu making process, which has been released to the network platform, and accumulated many fans. "The Tiktok account alone has more than 60000 fans. Every night at 7:30 pm, we start to carry goods live on time." Superb fingertips stroked the end of the erhu skin, "Only by carefully doing each piano can we win customers' favor."

Gao Chao and his wife run the store together. They broadcast the goods live at night and are busy packing and delivering goods during the day. "Now the logistics in the village is convenient, and the goods can be delivered at home," Gao Chao said.

"The town has increased the key support for the erhu industry, and formulated the Implementation Opinions of Miaoshan Town on Accelerating the Development of Rural E-commerce and the Provisions of Miaoshan Town on Logistics Companies Entering the Park" And other institutional documents to further standardize industrial development, provide support and guarantee in land, tax, communications and other aspects, integrate public resources such as postal, supply and marketing, express delivery enterprises, and improve the rural logistics network system with town-level service centers as transit stations and village-level service stations as receiving and sending points, and realize the orderly distribution and efficient distribution of erhu products. " Zhao Anning, secretary of the Party Committee of Miaoshan Town, said.

Through continuous improvement of supporting facilities, the development of the erhu industry is escorted. At present, the erhu produced in Miaoshan Town is also exported to Europe and America. However, at present, the erhu industry as a whole is still dominated by the "traditional manual workshop" processing and production development mode, with low added value of products, and the phenomenon of "low price volume" is relatively common. In the long run, how to break the bottleneck of erhu industry development and achieve transformation breakthrough? Based on its own erhu industry advantages and taking the opportunity of the "Shandong Handmade" promotion project, Miaoshan Town is committed to building a "national erhu (intangible cultural heritage) cultural industry cluster" that integrates historical culture, folk customs, intangible cultural heritage inheritance, national music appreciation, windowshop factory network, and cooperation between government, school and enterprise. Through culture, it empowers the industry, strengthens the construction of industrial platform and supply chain system, and makes intangible cultural heritage glow with new vitality.

"We will rely on the government, think tanks, scientific research institutions, etc. to form an industrial development platform, gather talents, scientific research, technology and other advantageous resource elements, achieve mutual exchange and resource exchange, increase the design and development of erhu related products, build a big data internet platform, promote the integrated development of upstream and downstream industries, and create a combination of raw material processing, erhu and related product research and development, musical instrument manufacturing, trade exhibition, trade logistics In a diversified industrial park, Erhu products will fully cover the 'high, medium and low' end markets. " Zhao Anning said.

"Here is the location of the industrial park." Across from the Erhu Museum in Lequan Village, Gao Qinglin, secretary of the Party branch of Lequan Village, pointed to a piece of land in front of him, "With the construction and use of the erhu industrial park, the processing of erhu will be concentrated together to better serve the villagers who produce and sell erhu and provide more jobs. In the future, the erhu industry will move towards large-scale development, the production capacity and sales will expand several times, the added value of the products will increase simultaneously, and the villagers' pockets will become more and more generous."

When it comes to the industrial park, Gao Chao has bright eyes: "After moving in, I will enjoy more high-quality supporting resources. I am confident to make the small store bigger and let more people listen to and love the erhu."

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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