Listen to the performer Ma Xiaohui: What is the difference between the porcelain erhu and the traditional erhu?

251 views · Organized by 山霁 on 2023-03-06

Blue and white porcelain only has blue and white colors, but it shows a clear and noble temperament, showing the great beauty of Chinese style. The erhu has only two strings, and the music played is delicate and euphemistic, hard and soft. The two have the same effect. A cross-border guided concert came into being.

On the evening of March 3, the Qingli music of Erhu wafted from Sinan Mansion, and a guided concert named "String Music Blue and White" was staged here, which accompanied the audience through a spring night.

Listen to the performer Ma Xiaohui: What is the difference between the porcelain erhu and the traditional erhu?

Ma Xiaohui

The erhu performer Ma Xiaohui came on stage with a golden erhu and played the beautiful and romantic "Moonlight on the Spring River". Unlike the traditional erhu, this erhu is actually made of porcelain. Its voice is less heavy and more clear.

In 2016, Ma Xiaohui launched the twelve Chinese zodiac porcelain erhu. The porcelain erhu has been formed for four years from its construction. Ma Xiaohui participated in the whole process of creativity and design. The head of each erhu is in the shape of the Chinese zodiac, and the exquisite pattern on the barrel is painted by the painter using the underglaze multicolor hand-painted gold painting process.

Due to the complex process, the yield of porcelain erhu is not high. "We have failed many times, and some of them sound very good, such as Rui Monkey and Ruima. The sound is less vicissitudes and more sense of future." Ma Xiaohui brought Rui Monkey to the scene and revealed that the porcelain erhu looks very light, but it is actually very heavy, and its weight is 8-10 times that of the traditional erhu.

Listen to the performer Ma Xiaohui: What is the difference between the porcelain erhu and the traditional erhu?

Good Night

In order to make the audience more clearly see the difference between the two, Ma Xiaohui and the performer Wang Xiaoben had a different dialogue, playing Liu Tianhua's "Good Night" in the form of Erhu duet.

"Good Night", formerly known as "New Year's Eve Singing", is an erhu solo composed by Liu Tianhua on the New Year's Eve in 1928. With beautiful melody and relaxed mood, it expresses his happy mood of chatting with friends and spending a good night together. It took only half an hour for Liu Tianhua to improvise the song, leaving a legacy of classics.

"The traditional erhu has a richer voice, and the porcelain erhu has a brighter voice." After the duet, Ma Xiaohui described the difference between the two. In addition to talking about the traditional erhu, Ma Xiaohui also put the porcelain erhu and the cello on the same stage and performed a special version of "Liang Zhu".

Listen to the performer Ma Xiaohui: What is the difference between the porcelain erhu and the traditional erhu?

Far East - Happy Gathering

What about the porcelain erhu, traditional erhu and western cello and percussion? The song "Far East - Happy Gathering" makes people see the interesting collision between China and the West. "Far East" is from Russia. The composer yearned for the East, but did not have the opportunity to visit in person. So he used the melody to describe the eastern picture in his heart. "Happy Gathering" is a happy Egyptian folk song. Ma Xiaohui grafted the two, and carried out creative transplantation and adaptation.

There was not only flowing music but also academic discussion on the spot that night. Chen Kelun, the research librarian of the Shanghai Museum, sat at the scene and, as a guest guide, explained to the audience the past and present lives of the blue and white porcelain landing, taking root and developing in China.

Listen to the performer Ma Xiaohui: What is the difference between the porcelain erhu and the traditional erhu?

Chen Kelun

In the oriental music with poetic beauty, "string tone blue and white" ended the "Sinan Art Appreciation Festival" which lasted for 8 periods.

The "Sinan Appreciation Festival" is jointly organized by the Shanghai National Orchestra and Sinan Mansion, and has become a beautiful scenery of Sinan Mansion. This year's "Sinan Art Appreciation Festival" held 8 art sharing activities with the theme of "Music · Living - Oriental Aesthetics and Oriental Wisdom in National Music".

From "the poetic life of Chinese style", "the music and humanities of the prosperous Tang Dynasty", "the aesthetic appreciation of the Song Dynasty and the life of the contemporary literati", "the free talk of couplet calligraphy in the Qing Dynasty" to "the elegant style of the pipa", "the gold, wood, water, fire and earth outside the strings", "the speculation of the piano music", "the string sound, blue and white", the performers of the Shanghai National Orchestra crossed the border with famous experts in the fields of poetry, calligraphy, seal cutting, ancient painting, flower path, porcelain, and so on, The multi-dimensional presentation of the beauty of Shanghai folk music also shows the audience the multiple charm of traditional culture.

Involving musical instruments

Erhu (Pinyin: Erhu) originated in the Tang Dynasty, called "Xiqin", and has a history of more than a thousand years. It is a traditional Chinese stringed instrument. Erhu, or Erxian Huqin, also known as "Nanhu" and "Omzi", is one of the main bowed and stringed instruments (wiping strings) in the Chinese national musical instrument family.

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