"Long flute rhyme • Sunshine to assist students" donation ceremony for Ma Xiao bamboo flute at Nanfang Primary School in Linyou County

304 views · Organized by 迷雾风暴 on 2023-03-24

On March 21, there was a melodious and beautiful sound of flutes in the gymnasium of Nanfang Primary School in Linyou County, with applause rising one after another... Everyone was immersed in the wonderful music. Here is a grand ceremony for the donation of Ma Xiao's bamboo flute, "Long Rhyme of the Bamboo Flute, Sunshine Assisting Students".

It is understood that in order to fully implement the "double reduction" policy, effectively strengthen the construction of school associations, and further enrich the forms of art education for students, Linyou County Nanfang Primary School has established a flute association to vigorously promote national musical instruments and cultivate students' musical interests. This matter has received strong support from Ma Xiao, a bamboo flute teacher from the Music Department of Shaanxi Vocational College of Art, a young flute performer, a vice chairman of Shaanxi Hulusi Ceramic Flute Professional Committee, and a music grading judge from the China National Orchestra Association. He generously donated 40 bamboo flutes worth more than 10000 yuan to Nanfang Primary School in Linyou County to meet the needs of students in learning bamboo flutes.

Zhao Jianfeng, member of the Party Committee, Deputy Director General, and School Inspector of Linyou County Education and Sports Bureau, was invited to attend the donation ceremony, issued a donation certificate to Ma Xiao, and gave a speech. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Ma Xiao for his pioneering work in not forgetting his hometown's education, developing rural children, and caring for and supporting the development of art education in his hometown, representing the County Education and Sports Bureau. He pointed out that culture casts campus temperament, and art condenses intellectual spirit. With culture on campus, there will be a foundation of civilization, and with art on campus, there will be a spiritual spirit. He emphasized that this donation activity is not only a vigorous promotion and inheritance of traditional ethnic musical instruments, but also a vivid practice of promoting excellent traditional culture on campus. This not only provides a new platform for Nanfang Primary School to further strengthen the construction of student associations, enrich their activities, and create a rare opportunity for students to experience the charm of traditional ethnic instrumental music from a zero distance. It has planted the seeds of love, art, and music in their hearts.

Teacher Ma Xiao shared his story of learning flute, using his own growth experience to encourage children to develop their interests and hobbies, encouraging them to study hard, strive to be good teenagers in the new era, and strive to be pillars of promoting and inheriting national musical instruments; "The Shandan Danhua Hongyanyan" and his original song "Chang'an Style" were performed on site for all teachers and students, enabling them to appreciate the unique charm of Chinese bamboo flute from a zero distance, and everyone was impressed by the exquisite skills of Teacher Ma Xiao. ".

Li Xingzhou, the principal of Nanfang Primary School in Linyou County, said that this donation activity has not only brought material assistance to the school, but also greatly inspired us in spirit. The school will attach great importance to art and sports education, effectively run art associations with distinctive characteristics, and cultivate more outstanding talents for the society.

Involving musical instruments

Dizi (pinyin: dí zi), also known as the horizontal flute, is generally used as an important musical instrument to accompany opera.

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