Prelude to Melodious melody: Necessary knowledge and preparation before Guqin performance

31 views · Organized by 夜夜 on 2024-03-12

Among the treasures of Chinese traditional culture, Guqin is undoubtedly a bright pearl. Whenever you want to interpret the music that has passed through thousands of years and experience the mood of the ancients "mountains and rivers meet friends", it is essential to make adequate preparations. The following points are necessary to prepare for playing the guqin:

Prelude to Melodious melody: Necessary knowledge and preparation before Guqin performance

1. Mental adjustment: Guqin performance is not only a display of skills, but also a dialogue between emotions and the soul. Before the performance should be quiet, discard distractions, let the soul return to tranquility, with an ethereal pure state of mind to meet the baptism of Qin Yun.

2. Instrument inspection: Ensure that the guqin is intact, the string tightness is moderate, no broken strings, running notes and other problems. If the parts such as the zhen and the goose foot are stable, and if there is dust on the surface of the piano, they need to be carefully checked and cleaned to ensure the best playing effect.

3. Nail trimming and protection: The right hand plucked string depends on the nail, so before playing, make sure that the nail is trimmed neatly, the length is moderate, and apply nail varnish to prevent wear and break. Left hand according to the string is required to finger belly full, nails should not be too long.

4. Be familiar with the music: have a full understanding and familiarity with the music to be performed, master its melody, rhythm and emotional expression, and have music in your heart and rhyme in your hand.

5. Environmental layout: Choose a quiet and comfortable playing environment to minimize external interference. Guqin performance is suitable for elegant and quiet space, which helps to better integrate into the world of music.

6. Body preparation: Keep a good sitting posture, straight back, relaxed shoulders, and natural arm hanging, which is the basic body requirements of playing guqin, to ensure that the breath is smooth and the movement is smooth during playing.

7. Warm-up exercise: Do some simple finger warm-up exercises before playing, which can not only prevent stiff fingers during playing, but also help to quickly enter the playing state.

All in all, the preparation before playing guqin covers the detailed work of psychology, physiology, instrument and environment, etc. These seemingly trivial but essential steps precisely reflect the ultimate pursuit of overall harmony and inner cultivation of Guqin art. Only after full preparation, can we truly show the beauty of the rhythm of the guqin incisively and vividly, so that each song flows naturally like a spring, touching people's hearts.

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Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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