Who walks into the streets of Beitaipingzhuang with high quality music lecture of Zheng singing

174 views · Organized by 雨童 on 2023-07-11

A few days ago, a series of lectures on music popularization with the theme of "Great American · Who and 'Zheng' singing" were held in the small rehearsal hall of China Film Orchestra in Beitaipingzhuang Street. The lecture was designed to broaden the aesthetic vision of residents of the district and promote the prosperity and development of regional cultural undertakings, attracting more than 60 residents of the district to attend.

Who walks into the streets of Beitaipingzhuang with high quality music lecture of Zheng singing

"The Guzheng is one of China's unique and important national instruments, known as the 'Oriental piano'. The sound of the guzheng is changeable, sometimes it is like the spring water like a stream, sometimes it is sad, and sometimes it is like the orchid in the valley..." At the event site, Sun Xin, young guzheng player of China Radio Chinese Orchestra, introduced the knowledge of guzheng to the residents, and let the residents feel the charm of the instrument through the form of performance.

In the subsequent appreciation session of famous guzheng songs, Sun Xin used a combination of speeches to perform four famous songs for everyone, "Fishing boat singing Night", "Peacock flying Southeast", "Guangling SAN" and "High Mountains and flowing Water", and analyzed the relevant ancient poems and allusions one by one, winning bursts of applause from the audience.

Community resident Aunt Liu is a fan of Chinese music, in the process of Sun Xin's performance, she closed her eyes, carefully listening to the moving rhythm, and warmly shared her feelings with the reporter after the performance: "The main theme of 'High Mountains and Flowing Water' is subtle and aesthetic, and the scenes and feelings expressed in each paragraph are different. In the process of listening to it, the music painted a beautiful picture of lofty mountains and babbling water in my mind."

"I have read the" Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals "in extracurricular reading before, there is a story of Boya drum and piano meet bosom friend, this time through the guzheng appreciation, let me realize the use of music to present the" high mountains and rivers meet bosom friend "allusions, let me feel very interesting." A primary school student who participated in the lecture told reporters.

In the future, Beitaipingzhuang Street will continue to carry out a number of high-quality music lectures, enrich everyone's spiritual and cultural life, harmonize neighborhood relations, and constantly enhance the district residents' sense of identity and belonging to the North Pacific.

Involving musical instruments

Guzheng (pinyin: Gǔ Zhēng), also known as Hanzheng and Qinzheng, is an ancient national musical instrument of the Han nationality and is popular all over China. It is often used for solo, duet, instrumental ensemble and accompaniment of song and dance, opera and folk art. Because of its wide range, beautiful timbre, rich playing skills and strong expressiveness, it is known as the "King of Music", also known as "Oriental Piano", and is one of the unique and important national musical instruments in China.

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