"Yellow Ears of Wheat" Guo Yazhi's pipe performance
147 views · Organized by 陌上花 on 2022-03-29
"Wheat Ear Yellow" is one of the representative repertoires performed by Shanxi Ba Yin Club. Guo Yazhi re-arranged and played according to Shanxi folk music material. When the ear of wheat is golden again, break a straw and turn it into a musical instrument in the hand. Blow out childhood memories, blow out unchanging thoughts.

Involving the artist

Guo Yazhi, a famous wind musician, graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and studied under Chen Jiaqi, Hu Haiquan, Ren Tongxiang, Wang Gaolin, Liu Bingchen, Song Lichun, Hu Zhihou, Yin Erwen and other famous suona and pipe teachers.
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Involving musical instruments

Guanzi (pinyin: guǎn zi) is a wind instrument. In ancient China, it was called "筚篥" or "Luguan". Its structure consists of three parts: the whistle, the intruder and the cylindrical body.

Involving news

Organized by 南丘 on 2022-03-31
Every morning, before 8 o’clock, the sound of the pipe will sound on time in the piano room 418 of the Qinfang Building of the Central Conservatory of Music. This is Hu Zhihou, a professor of the Folk Music Department of the Central Conservatory of Music, a pipe player and an educator, who is over 70 years old.
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Organized by 雨童 on 2022-03-21
Bai folk instrumental music mainly includes sanxian music, suona wind and percussion music, cave scripture music, etc. In addition, there are also ancient music and tunes played by bamboo flute, mouth spring, wood leaf and so on.
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Organized by Susan on 2022-03-15
The timbre of bili is either high-pitched and crisp, or sad and mournful, with distinct texture. As a part of Hu Le, it was spread to the Central Plains via the Silk Road, and it was also loved by people.
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Organized by 赵锦辛 on 2022-03-15
Guanzi, anciently known as bi li , jia guan. In ancient times, there was a kind of wind instrument called "pipe". "Book of Songs, Zhou Song, You Gu": "If you are prepared, you will play, and the flute tube will be prepared." "Erya Shile": "The big tube is called the posthumous title."
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Organized by 向日葵 on 2022-03-15
In March, another national event will bloom in Zhengzhou. The 2022 China Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Annual Conference will be held in Zhengzhou from March 21 to 24.
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