
guanzi artist

Zhang Rongyi is a suona player and composer. He has a solid foundation in performance, a unique style, and is skilled in playing a variety of musical instruments, such as pipe, ka cavity, and mold flute.
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Guo Xiang, a national first-class actor, is a pipe player of the Beijing Radio Chinese Orchestra. He is also a superb saxophone player.As a guanzi player, Guo Xiang is very worried and regretful about the current situation of guanzi in China.
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Hu Zhihou, member of the Academic Committee of the Central Conservatory of Music, director of the National Wind Music and Percussion Teaching and Research Section, and concurrently the vice president of the National Wind Music Research Association of the Chinese Musicians Association.
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Yang Luan_yangluan, graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, is a 17th undergraduate and 21st graduate student. He is an up-master in the music area of station B. He currently has 13,000 fans. His videos mainly focus on wind instruments, and play niche instruments in a different flavor.
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