

The double-pipe Dong flute (pinyin: shuāng guǎn dòng dí), a breath-breathing instrument of the Dong nationality, has been used in professional art performance groups.


  • type:blowing musical instrument
  • Pinyin:shuāng guǎn dòng dí
  • nationality:Dong nationality
In 1977, Zeng Duke of the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Political Department of the South China Sea Fleet and Lei Faxian of the Guangzhou Lingnan Wind Music Factory jointly studied and reformed the Dong flute, and successfully produced the double-pipe Dong flute.
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Hu Hanwen, born in 1942. Guangxi Sanjiang people. Member of Guangxi Branch of China Musicians Association. He loved the Dong flute since childhood and was an excellent flutist when he was young.
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The double-pipe Dong flute is a new variety of Dong people's breath-playing musical instruments. It was reformed from the Dong flute and is now used in professional art performance groups.
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