

Shuanglelang (pinyin: shuāng lè làng) Shuanglelang is a double-reed gas-sounding instrument of the Buyi nationality. Popular in Shuanglelang, the Bouyei double-reed air-sounding instrument. The shape is the same as the Bouyei single-tube Lelang, which is made of two Lelangs with the same length, thickness and pitch tied side by side. There is also a curved connecting pipe inserted into the mouth of two side-by-side pipes, sharing a reed whistle.


  • Chinese name:Shuanglelang
  • popular area:Qianxi, Guizhou Province
  • nationality:Buyi
  • Pinyin:shuāng lè làng
Regarding Lelang, there is such a legend in the Buyi villages along the Beipan River.
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When playing Shuanglelang, place the tube body vertically, hold the two tube bodies with both hands, press the lower two holes of the double tube horizontally with the index finger and ring finger of the left hand, and press the upper three holes of the double tube horizontally with the index finger, middle finger and ring finger of the right hand, and the mouth contains the upper end spring of the double tube. The whistle is played with the cyclic ventilation method.
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The shape of the Shuanglelang is the same as that of the Bouyei single-tube Lelang, which is formed by tying two Lelangs with the same length, thickness and pitch side by side. There is also a curved connecting pipe inserted into the mouth of two juxtaposed pipes, sharing a reed whistle.
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