Protect national traditions and pass down traditional national musical instruments

220 views · Organized by 向日葵 on 2022-04-12

Xinjiang attaches great importance to the inheritance, protection and development of the excellent traditional cultures of all ethnic groups. Abuduwaili Halik, the cultural leader of Jimsar County, and his "Golden Sun" literary and artistic team hope that more people will like to play Boer, so that the traditional national musical instruments can be passed on.

On September 30, 2021, Abduwaili Halik, the cultural leader of Jimsar County, came to the site of a special press conference in Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to tell his story.

Abduwaili Halik, 60 years old this year, is the head of the cultural compound in Majiacaozi Village, Jimsar County, Changji Prefecture, and is also the small owner of a farmhouse. His cultural compound not only has traditional delicacies, but also cultural programs written and performed by farmers.

Protect national traditions and pass down traditional national musical instruments

On September 30, Abdul Waili Halik made a speech

Playing Boolean is one of the musical instruments used in the performance of the Uyghur classical music "Twelve Muqam", a national intangible cultural heritage. Since the age of 14, Abduwaili Halik followed his father to practice playing Boolean. Life is colorful and full of joy.

Abduwaili Halik formed a literary team and named it "Golden Sun". The team played a lot of musical instruments, such as boer, dongbula, tambourine, guitar... There are more than 10 kinds of large and small, and they are indispensable in the large and small cultural activities in the county.

Protect national traditions and pass down traditional national musical instruments

Live performance by the band, showcasing musical instruments of various ethnic groups

In 2017, Abduwaili Halik started a farmhouse. Jimsar County catches the express train of Xinjiang tourism economy, more and more tourists, his farmhouse business is getting better and better.

Abduwaili Halik said: "I found that culture is more attractive than food. I feel that the power of culture is so powerful that more and more people pay attention to various national instrumental music, and national culture has been carried forward. ."

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Tanbull (pinyin: tán bù ěr) is a stringed instrument played by the Uyghur and Uzbeks. The range is wide, the tone is crisp, and it is full of rich national style. Often used for solo, ensemble or accompaniment.

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