Inherit the Matouqin culture with the melodious sound of Matouqin

345 views · Organized by 关谷奇迹 on 2022-09-15

"I used to go back to my hometown to start a business and want to make every matouqin. Now I want to make the children in my hometown interested in traditional culture through the matouqin and pass on this skill." Seeing the national handicrafts of Jinhanggai, Inner Mongolia When Bai Yukun, the general manager of the production company and the representative inheritor of the league-level intangible cultural heritage, was discussing the promotion of matouqin with the hired matouqin teacher Xing'an.

Inherit the Matouqin culture with the melodious sound of Matouqin

Bai Yukun debugs the sound of the piano

From 2008, when Bai Yukun chose to return to his hometown to start a business and join the matouqin production industry, he has now become the leading national handicraft production company in the league. His 14-year entrepreneurial experience has not only allowed him to break through and innovate many times in matouqin production skills, but also made him feel good about inheritance. Matouqin culture has a lot of "obsession". In the Jinhanggai Matouqin production factory, workers cut and shape the carefully selected wood according to the drawings, and methodically make the Matouqin. The finished matouqin with exquisite appearance and various styles hanging on the wall and on the cabinet is the brainchild of Bai Yukun over the years. "It takes at least two to three months to make a traditional handmade matouqin, from sawing to fine carving, from coloring to continuous tuning, and the output is very low." Bai Yukun said, in order to better promote the art of matouqin , he combined traditional hand-making technology with computer engraving technology, which not only formed a large-scale development, but also enriched the sound of the matouqin, catering to the aesthetic standards of a new generation of young people.

Inherit the Matouqin culture with the melodious sound of Matouqin

Matouqin made by Bai Yukun

The recognition of more and more people did not stop Bai Yukun's footsteps. He went out to study and participated in musical instrument exhibitions, and combined with the mature technology of the violin, he developed a saddle-shaped piano case that can stand alone, which is deeply loved by young players and won a number of national patents. The love of the famous matouqin player Qi Baoligao and the famous singer Qi Feng made his matouqin famous, and even exported to the United States, France and other places. At present, Inner Mongolia Jinhanggai National Handicraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. founded by Bai Yukun, can produce up to 15,000 semi-finished matouqin and 1,500 finished products annually, becoming a supplier of 70% of the semi-finished products in the whole league. In order to better promote the art of matouqin, Bai Yukun built a base for the inheritance of matouqin music, and cooperated with the Communication University of China to establish a tourism, cultural and creative poverty alleviation workshop to expand income-increasing channels for the surrounding people. He has also successively won honorary titles such as "May 1st Labor Medal of Xing'an League" and "May 4th Medal of Xing'an Youth".

Inherit the Matouqin culture with the melodious sound of Matouqin

Cultural and creative products

This year, Bai Yukun provided nearly 100 matouqin free of charge to 5 communities in Keyouqian Banner, the Second Primary School of Keyouqian Banner, and Julizhen Primary School of Keyouqian Banner, and hired professional teachers to teach matouqin performance classes for enthusiasts and students. "We not only teach 4 professional lessons for primary school students every week, provide free books and repair services, but also play matouqin in the community from time to time." said Xing'an, a matouqin teacher at Jinhanggai Company. "'Xing'an Mountains on the Xing'an League', now we have the best time to develop. Matouqin is a cultural symbol of our region. As a young man in Xing'an, I want to dedicate myself to my hometown and carry forward the tradition of Xing'an League. Culture." Today, Bai Yukun has a new identity - "Xing'an Youth Recommendation Officer". As a local outstanding entrepreneurial youth representative, he will recommend his hometown culture on behalf of the local youth. Through the exquisite matouqin and the melodious sound of the matouqin, step by step, he will fulfill his dream of inheriting his hometown matouqin culture and building a Xing'an matouqin brand.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Matouqin (pinyin: mǎ tóu qín) is a two-stringed stringed musical instrument with a trapezoidal body and a handle carved into the shape of a horse's head. A sort of.

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