Suona sound around Shanliangyi mountain scenic area suona artist Kong Deyuan adhere to and inheritance

334 views · Organized by 岚玖 on 2023-04-25

Kong Deyuan, male, born in July 1988, from Zoucheng City, staff member of Performing Arts Department of Shandong Zhongle Tourism Development Co., LTD. As a mainstay of the Performing Arts Department of Mountain Scenic area, peryatical is engaged in traditional music, drama, Qu Yi, entertainment and acrobatics, folk and other fields of academic research work, serves as a member of the Chinese Ethnic Orchestral Society, Jining Musicians Association, Jining Opera Association member, Jining Suona Association deputy Secretary-General, 2017 Zoucheng "Zoulu Culture Star". In 2019, he was elected as the county-level inheritor of Ping School Trumpet Music. In 2022, he won the honorary title of "Zoucheng Culture Star" and "Ping School Trumpet Music", the non-hereditary inheritor of Zoucheng City and the provincial-level inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage.

Suona sound around Shanliangyi mountain scenic area suona artist Kong Deyuan adhere to and inheritance

Based on non - genetic inheritance, ten years like a day blowing suona horn

As the fourth generation inheritor of "Ping School advocating music", Kong Deyuan has been engaged in the practice of non-hereditary inheritance for 28 years. He has mastered the techniques of articulation, percussion, kneading, glissando, flower tongue, larynx, finger flower, vibrato and tongue impact sound, qi arch sound, white elastic sound, tooth vibrato and cyclic ventilation, etc. He has broken through the limitations of previous generations of music recognition and recorded a large number of classical music scores according to his performance.

Kong Deyuan has been performing with his father since 1995. From 1996 to 1997, master Ping-style music instruments such as sheng, pipe, gongs, drums and cymbals; In 1998, she began to lead performances independently. In 1999, participated in Zoucheng Top Ten suona Concert; From 2001 to 2006, served as the head of the Kong Family Class and carried out performance activities all year round. From 2007 to 2008, participated in the Singing and Dancing Troupe of Nantun Coal Mine of Yankuang Group as the principal suona player; In 2009, composed the songs "The Old Dragon Cries" and "Welcome Song"; From 2010 to 2011, she participated in the Shanghai World Expo, the First China Blowing and Singing Festival, the 10th China Art Festival, the Chinese folk Instrumental Music Combination performance and other activities. In 2013, he attended the opening ceremony of the Confucius Cultural Festival. In 2014, participated in the Chinese national instrumental music and folk music combination exhibition, and went to Canada International Music Exchange Exhibition; In 2015, he participated in the welcoming of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to Jining Cultural Performance; In 2016, participated in the "Mountain and Sea Style" tour of the National 11 cultural centers in Ningbo City, Binzhou Spring Festival Gala, the second folk blowing music performance of Jining City, "Ruxiang Ancient Charm Golden Locks", and provided physical and audio materials for the cultural department of Jining City. In 2017, he participated in the national Exhibition of outstanding works of literature and art, "Celebrating the 19th National Congress and Shining Stars" in Nantong City. From 2017 to 2022, it will participate in the exhibition activities of China Cultural and Natural Heritage Day and Shandong Intangible Cultural Heritage Month every year. In 2021, it will participate in the mass outstanding innovative literary works performance of the 12th Shandong Cultural Arts Festival and the intangible cultural heritage performance of the Two River Basins of Shandong Province, "The Contract of River Harmony". In 2022, participates in the opening ceremony of Shandong Tourism and Development Conference Nishan Sacred Destination, Zoucheng Intangible Heritage Museum, assists the Performing Arts Department to complete the performance brand building of Yi Shan Scenic Spot, Tiangong Theatre, and successfully completes various performance tasks.

No matter how heavy the performing arts task is, he can always do enthusiasm, sincere service for every comrade who came to watch the performance, "May Day", "National Day" and other holidays and weekends are not rest. This kind of dedication, hard work spirit is praised by everyone.

Actively pioneering and innovative, promoting the Ping school advocacy music link to modern life

In order to expand the popularity of Ping-style drumming music, Kong Deyuan actively learned from Peking Opera, Yu Opera, Lv Opera, Shandong Clappers, Liuqin Opera, Siping Tune, Da Ping Tune, Xiangzi Opera, Flower Drum Opera, Shandong Qinshu and folk minor tune Qupai. According to the rules and limitations of Ping-style drumming music, he added instruments such as Sheng, flute, erhu, Banhu, Jinghu, pipa and Gong and drum clappers as accompaniment instruments. Based on the control of breath and variation techniques, it constantly processes and improves its skills, gradually forming a complex structure of musical forms. It creates works with diverse styles and close to contemporary life, such as "The Old Dragon Cries" and "Welcome Song", so that more people can understand, love and inherit the Ping-style trumpet music.

Kong Deyuan's skills and skills become more and more mature during his long-term performing arts creation, which has also brought him many awards and honors. In 2011, he won the best performance Award of "China's First Song Blowing Festival"; In 2012, he created "Many Happy Events in the New Countryside" and won the gold medal of Jining Suona Competition. In 2013, he won the Outstanding Performance Award of "Chinese National Musical Instruments and Folk Music Variety Concert" and the Stars Award of "10th China Art Festival". 2014 won the gold medal of "Ruxiang Ancient Charm Gold lock" Jining Folk percussion Music Competition; In 2017, she was selected as the "Zoulu Culture Star" of Zoucheng City. In 2021, he won the award of Excellence in the 12th Cultural Arts Festival of Shandong Province, the representative suona player of Zoucheng City Federation of Arts and Crafts, and the "Zoulu Cultural Star".

Actively participate in public welfare activities to help revitalize rural culture

In addition to completing his own work, Kong Deyuan also takes into account social welfare undertakings and non-genetic protection work. In recent years, I have participated in various public cultural performances organized by cultural departments for many times. I have participated in the national "Village Evening" demonstration of Jining Farmers' Culture and Art Festival, Jining Network Spring Festival Gala, Zoucheng Farmers' Culture and Art Festival, Zoucheng Farmers' Harvest Festival, Zoucheng "Zoulu Style" special festival to welcome the Spring Festival of intangible cultural Heritage, and the Ninth Double Ninth Day Cultural volunteers entering the elderly home and other activities. Since 2017, he has actively participated in cultural performance activities benefiting the people in Zoucheng City, benefiting more than 50,000 people in total. In Zoucheng City Cultural Center, 14 public welfare training courses of Ping School advocating music were held, each of which had 20 class hours and 10 students. More than 100 Pingschool advocating music lovers were cultivated. Actively cooperate with all levels and departments on Pingpai advocacy music related research, census, classic songs mining, techniques research and other work. Assisted in the recording of "Crying the Great Wall", "Crying Five Geng", "Collection of Xian Bin", "Ten scenes", "Five sixty-five Five", "The Son of Heaven" and other traditional songs of the Ping school of advocating music.

Kong Deyuan has no heroic words, no earth-shaking, some is just unknown, down-to-earth dedication, his behavior fully shows the new era of the scenic spot people noble moral sentiments and spiritual outlook, set a good example for the scenic spot cadres and staff.

Involving musical instruments

Suona (pinyin: suǒ nà) is a Chinese double-reed woodwind instrument. Also called Suannai, trumpet, advocacy. The traditional suona is composed of five parts: whistle, air card, intruder, rod and bowl.

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