
Organized by 汤圆 on 2024-07-20
In the bright star of traditional Chinese music, Guzheng occupies a place with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among them, the song "Wild Geese" is like a vivid picture scroll, showing the delicate description and profound perception of the beauty of nature in Chinese classical music.
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Organized by 尘夕 on 2024-07-19
In the bright star of Chinese traditional music, Guzheng occupies an important position with its unique timbre and rich expression. As a classic guzheng song, "Cloud Qing" not only shows the long charm of the guzheng, but also wins the love of countless listeners with its far-reaching artistic charm.
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Organized by 青鸟 on 2024-07-18
The Song of Qin Sang originated in the ancient Land of Qin, that is, the area of today's Shaanxi Province, and is one of the treasures of local folk music. According to legend, this song depicts the scene of the ancient Qin women working in the mulberry garden, while collecting mulberry and raising silkworms, they miss their distant relatives, and express their deep attachment to their families and love for life. The song integrates the unique rhythm and rhythm of Qin land, making the whole song not only simple style, but also delicate emotion.
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Organized by 汾酒 on 2024-07-16
In the magnificent picture scroll of Chinese folk music, "Embroidered Gold Plaque" is like a bright pearl, shining with its unique charm. This folk song originated from northern Shaanxi, through the ingenuity of Guzheng artists, turned into a beautiful melody on the zheng string.
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Organized by Susan on 2024-07-15
Student artists in Shanghai marked the summer holiday with a spectacular music event.
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Organized by 小饼干 on 2024-07-12
In the vast treasure house of Chinese music, there is a combination of profound national heritage and modern music aesthetics of the famous zither - "Yi Dance music". This piece not only shows the warm and colorful life of the Yi people, but also witnesses the inheritance and innovation of Chinese folk music. This article will guide you to appreciate this classic work and explore the cultural story and artistic charm behind it.
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Organized by chen on 2024-07-09
In this enthusiastic summer, a 58-day artistic feast covering 64 wonderful performances was officially kicked off. On the evening of July 5, the 31st "Open the Door to Art - 2024 Summer Art Festival" opened at the Zhongshan Park Music Hall in Beijing.
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Organized by 薄暮 on 2024-07-08
In the vast sea of Chinese traditional music, Guzheng, as an instrument with a long history, carries a thousand years of history and culture. Its elegant melodious melody seems to take us through time and space to feel the poetic life and landscape feelings of ancient literati. Among them, there is a song with its unique charm and far-reaching artistic charm, become the classic of guzheng music - "Liu Qingniang".
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Organized by 线性代数 on 2024-07-07
Among the treasures of Chinese traditional culture, the Guzheng has become a very charming national instrument with its unique timbre and rich expression. Among these numerous guzheng repertoire, "War Typhoon" is undoubtedly a landmark work, which not only shows the superb guzheng playing skills, but also contains profound cultural connotation and social meaning, becoming the peak of guzheng art.
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Organized by 阿轺 on 2024-07-06
In the vast star of Chinese traditional music, Guzheng, as a shining star, carries thousands of years of history and culture with its unique tone and rich expression. Among the many famous guzheng songs, "Henan Eight Ban" is like a shining gem. It not only shows the superb skill of guzheng playing, but also contains profound regional culture and historical emotion, and becomes an important material for the study of Chinese music history, local culture and artistic aesthetics.
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