
Organized by F.JCLOVE on 2024-02-25
"Autumn Moon in the Han Palace" is a classic Guzheng piece that has been passed down from ancient China. With its deep, distant, and sorrowful melody, it vividly depicts the lonely and vicissitudes of the Han Dynasty imperial palace under the autumn moon, expressing a deep emotion towards the passing glory and impermanence of the world.
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Organized by 汤圆 on 2024-02-24
"Fisherman and Woodcutter Q&A" is a famous ancient Chinese guqin song that has been passed down to this day. With its profound and introverted melody, indifferent and lofty theme, and philosophical life atmosphere, it occupies an irreplaceable position in the field of guqin music art.
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Organized by 岚玖 on 2024-02-23
"Sunset Xiao Gu", also known as "Xunyang Night Moon" or "Spring River Flower Moon Night", is a highly representative classic of ancient Chinese pipa music.
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Organized by 蕾伊 on 2024-02-23
Guangling San, known as one of the top ten famous ancient Chinese pieces, is a masterpiece of the ancient qin that has been passed down for thousands of years. With its profound, passionate, and majestic artistic expression, it occupies a pivotal position in the history of Chinese and even world music.
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Organized by 阿轺 on 2024-02-23
"Fishing Song" is one of the many classic guqin pieces passed down from ancient China, loved by qin players and listeners for its fresh, refined, and leisurely musical temperament.
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Organized by 一杯清酒 on 2024-02-23
"Xiaoxiang Shuiyun" is a famous ancient Chinese guqin song that has been passed down for a long time and has a profound artistic conception. Its creation originated from the Southern Song Dynasty and was composed by the guqin master Guo Mian.
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Organized by 阿弥 on 2024-02-22
"Scratching the Head to Ask the Heavens" is a traditional Chinese piano song full of profound philosophy and emotional power. Its creation is inspired by the ancient people's deep thinking and endless exploration of nature, life and even the mystery of the universe in the face of the sky.
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Organized by 风月呢喃 on 2024-02-22
In the history of traditional Chinese music, "High Mountains and Flowing Water" is a famous Guqin song bearing profound friendship and noble sentiments. The story behind it originates from the "Boya drum and piano, bosom friend" in the Spring and Autumn Period.
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Organized by 汾酒 on 2024-02-22
"Drunken Fishing Singing Late" is a famous song in traditional Chinese Guqin music, which has long spread and deep charm, and its name contains strong poetic and life atmosphere.
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Organized by 花昼 on 2024-02-22
"Memory of the Deceased" is a long-spread and deeply rooted Chinese traditional guqin music, with its deep feeling and introvert melody Outlines the endless yearning and memory of the distant deceased
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