The Journey of learning Guqin Music for the first time: Key points and practical guidelines for beginners

79 views · Organized by 阿弥 on 2024-03-12

Learning a new Guqin music, for every Guqin lover, is not only a process of sharpening skills, but also an important way of cultural edification and spiritual cultivation. The following are the key points and practical suggestions for new scholars to pay attention to when learning Guqin music:

The Journey of learning Guqin Music for the first time: Key points and practical guidelines for beginners

Basic knowledge preparation

1. Piano score cognition: Familiar with the reduced character score, which is a special notation for guqin, mastering the meaning of basic symbols and fingering marks is the basis for correctly playing guqin music.

2. Instrument maintenance: Ensure the tightness of the strings, regularly maintain the surface clean, and understand the basic tuning methods to keep the guqin in good condition.

repertoire selection and interpretation

1. Suitability of music selection: Select the right tracks according to your own technical level. In the early stage, you can start with simple introductory tracks, such as "Xian Weng Cao" and "Autumn Wind Ci".

2. In-depth analysis: Before playing, conduct in-depth research on the background, emotional conception and structural layout of the music, which is helpful to grasp the overall context of the music.

Technical practice and detail control

1. Fingering training: master basic fingering techniques such as hook, pick, pick, break, support, and play, focusing on the control of fingering force, speed and strength, as well as left-right hand coordination.

2. Cultivate sense of rhythm: Pay attention to the rhythm changes in the music, especially the scattered pieces and rhythmic parts, and gradually practice the steady sense of rhythm.

3. Timbre and charm: Imitate the famous demonstration, experience and imitate the unique guqin singing 猱 note and other performance techniques, the pursuit of simple and distant timbre and charm.

the overall grasp and emotional expression

1. Segmented practice and integration: Divide the track into sections for paragraph-by-paragraph practice, and then gradually integrate it into the whole to ensure fluency and coherence.

2. Emotional integration: Understand the emotional meaning behind the music, try to integrate their own emotions into the performance, so as to make the music full of vitality.

Patience and persistence

1. Perseverance: Learning Guqin music requires time and perseverance, avoid quick success, practice every day, and gradually accumulate.

2. Reflection and adjustment: Constantly reflect on my performance, find out the shortcomings and make targeted improvements, and humbly consult teachers and fellow students to make progress together.

To sum up, learning Guqin music is not only a skill learning, but also a process of improving personal quality and spiritual cultivation. Only carefully fathom, patient study, can truly understand the mystery of Guqin music, and then enjoy the fun and sense of achievement.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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