Ancient Legacy: The Legend of the creation of Emperor Shun and the Banjo

170 views · Organized by 肖毅 on 2024-05-14

In the long history of China, Guqin is not only the carrier of music, but also the symbol of culture and philosophy. Among them, the story about "Shun making Banjo" not only carries the memory of the ancient sages, but also reflects the ancient society's yearning for harmony and virtue. This story, like an ancient song through time and space, echoes in the hearts of every lover of traditional culture.

Ancient Legacy: The Legend of the creation of Emperor Shun and the Banjo

The birth of Emperor Shun and the Banjo

Legend has it that in ancient China, there was a leader who was famous for his filial piety. He was Emperor Shun. Shun not only ruled the country with benevolence, but also won the respect of all people with profound moral cultivation. In that era, people lived in harmony with nature, and music, as a bridge between heaven and earth and people's hearts, was given extraordinary significance.

One day, Emperor Shun was walking in the mountains, when the spring was shining brightly and everything was reviving. He noticed a melodious birdsong, clear and pleasant, as if it were telling him the secrets of nature. This beautiful melody inspired Emperor Shun, who decided to make a musical instrument to imitate this natural sound, to express the awe of heaven and earth and care for the people.

The choice of Indus and the string of silk

After careful consideration, Emperor Shun chose Wutong wood as the material for his piano. Wutong is regarded as a spirit wood, its wood is light and tough, and its sound is pure. He cut down the wood himself, carved it carefully, and made the body. The surface of the piano is smooth as a mirror, and the curve is smooth, like heaven. Then, he used silk as a string. Silk is delicate and soft, which can convey a warm and profound tone. The five silk strings respectively represent the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, symbolizing the balance and harmony between the universe.

The Song of the South Wind and enlighten the people

When the first banjo was completed, Emperor Shun played the strings gently in the warm spring sunshine, and a song called "South Wind" came into being leisurely. This piece of music is fresh and refined, and the melody is blown away with the wind, which is not only intoxicating, but also means that the spring breeze transforms the rain and is ze by the people. With this song, Emperor Shun taught the people to follow nature, work hard and live in harmony, so as to make the country prosperous and the society stable and harmonious.

Cultural significance of Banjo

The banjo made by Emperor Shun was not only a musical instrument, but also a cultural symbol. It represents the ancient people's pursuit of a better life, reverence for nature, and the ideal of enlightening people through music. Later, with the evolution of The Times, the banjo gradually developed into seven strings, but the philosophical thoughts and cultural values behind it have continued to this day.

The story of "Shun making Banjo" is a cultural legend spanning thousands of years. It tells us that real music can not only touch people's hearts, but also lead the social atmosphere and promote the progress of civilization. Today, when we listen to the sound of Guqin, we can still feel the wisdom and harmony from ancient times, as if the teachings of Emperor Shun, through the corridor of time, continue to inspire the hearts of every listener.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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