Five taboos of Guqin fingering: A guide to avoid pits on the way to improving the skill

145 views · Organized by Fucui on 2024-03-16

Guqin, as an ancient string instrument in China, has sophisticated fingering and contains profound aesthetic and philosophical ideas. In the process of learning Guqin, in addition to mastering correct fingering skills, avoiding mistakes is equally important. The following are five taboos that should be paid special attention to in Guqin fingling:

Five taboos of Guqin fingering: A guide to avoid pits on the way to improving the skill

1. Do not use too much force: Guqin pays attention to "gently close and slow twist wipe and pick", and should avoid too much force when playing, which may not only lead to too sharp and harsh timbre, destroy the round and deep of the guqin sound, but also damage the strings and body so easily for a long time, affecting the service life of the guqin.

2. Avoid stiff fingering: Guqin performance requires "free movement of fingers and smooth qi". When playing, the fingering should be flexible and free to avoid rigidity and rigidity. The movement of the fingers on the strings should be like a flowing cloud and a natural transition, so as to form a wonderful connection between the notes and highlight the graceful beauty of Guqin music.

3. Avoid speed out of control: Whether it is a beginner or a piano player with a certain foundation, you need to master the speed of playing. It should not be too fast, otherwise it will lead to the note can not be clearly presented, and lose the charm of guqin music; It should not be too slow, so as not to lose the sense of rhythm and destroy the overall structure of the track.

4. Avoid ignoring the coordination of left and right hands: in guqin playing, the coordination of left and right hands is crucial. The right hand is responsible for taking notes, and the left hand is responsible for decorative techniques such as string and trill. If we only pay attention to the playing of the right hand and ignore the coordination of the left hand, the expressive force of the music will be greatly reduced, and the rich level of Guqin music can not be fully displayed.

5. Avoid lack of emotional input: Guqin is not only a musical instrument, but also a carrier of emotions and artistic conception. When playing the guqin, it is taboo to only mechanically operate the fingerings, and ignore the integration of emotions. Only when the guqin players integrate their emotions with the theme of the music can they truly convey the soul of Guqin music and make it have the power to move people.

To sum up, the five taboos of Guqin fingling are actually the requirements for the all-round skills of the guqin players, aiming to guide the players to pay more attention to internal cultivation and emotional expression while improving their skills, so that the Guqin music can reach a higher and deeper artistic realm.

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Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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