Spread Qindao life concept eight-tone Qindao piano lessons into Huairou Luzhuang

155 views · Organized by 岚玖 on 2023-03-02

Under the green mountains, by the green stream, the ancient temple morning bell, melodious music......

Walking on the clean road in Luzhuang Village, Huairou Town, Huairou District, Beijing, you will hear the fresh tone and long lingering sound of ancient qin music into your ears. It is really touching your heart. Immersed in the quiet far away from the hustle and bustle of the downtown, people feel relaxed and happy and linger.

Spread Qindao life concept eight-tone Qindao piano lessons into Huairou Luzhuang

Lu Shihua, president of the Beijing Red Snail Cultural Research Institute, said: "Since the Luzhuang Village opened the piano class, people rushed to tell each other and signed up one after another. Now our first group of students can play music independently in a good way." She spoke with great joy.

Luzhuang Village is adjacent to the thousand-year-old temple of the Red Snail Temple. The Memorial Hall of Mr. Li Jinbo, the master of Chinese studies, and the Beijing Red Snail Culture Research Institute founded by Mr. Li Jinbo are located in the village. The Party branch of the village attaches great importance to the construction of rural culture, and strives to develop the characteristic home-stay culture and tourism industry. It has become a key village of national rural tourism and a demonstration village of folk custom tourism in the 24 solar terms, which is well-known in the suburbs of Beijing. Lu Shihua, who lives in the village, leads the members of the Research association and has been committed to the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture and the research and promotion of human health.

"If a guqin is difficult to learn, it is difficult, and if it is not difficult to learn, it is not difficult to learn. After ten lessons with Mr. Lu, my peasant hands can play literati music. Learn guqin, we also have cultural grade of this home is not." The boss of a B&B, while saying, plucking the strings, rhythmically playing the music "Xian Weng Cao", confident and quiet inadvertently already appeared, really a little Xian Weng Tao, calm and elegant taste.

Luzhuang Village has gathered more than 130 folk B&Bs and new business hotels. In recent years, tourists' expectation for rural tourism is no longer just staying in the natural scenery, but pursuing high-quality rural cultural experience. The village invited Lu Changxu, the founder, original musician and Guqin teacher of the Guqin Life Hall, to the village to open guqin classes, teach guqin playing skills and spread the life concept of Guqin, which has become a beautiful landscape for rural revitalization.

In order to improve the grade of rural revitalization cultural tourism, Luzhuang village has introduced high-level guqin art talents. Through the integration of traditional guqin culture with excellent healthy leisure environment and diversified rural cultural atmosphere, it can accelerate the improvement of cultural quality of practitioners and villagers, accelerate the promotion of rural revitalization cultural level and industrial format innovation, and create a model of high-quality rural revitalization cultural consumption destination.

The Guqin class gives everyone a better place to go after work and study, greatly enriching the cultural life of the masses in their spare time. Nowadays, through learning guqin, backbone students in Luzhuang Village not only master the playing skills of guqin initially, understand the historical knowledge of Guqin, but also improve the cognition of traditional culture, especially the enlightenment effect of Guqin music on inner peace, life health and life stability.

Lu Changxu once a week from dozens of miles away from the mountains to the village, painstaking, patient and meticulous, hand by hand to teach you to play the piano, take the trouble to answer all kinds of problems encountered in learning, Lu teacher title full of students of admiration and joy.

"Spreading the art and culture of Guqin, serving the revitalization of rural areas, sharing the charm of Qinqu and Qinqu with others, cultivating the body and mind and enjoying the peaceful life are the purpose of the establishment of Baduou Qindao and also my own wish." It really reflects his sense of responsibility and mission to carry forward and spread Chinese traditional culture.

We have reason to believe that as the practice of the eight-tone Guqin and Daoqin lessons in Huairou Luzhuang becomes wider and wider, it will surely play a moving melody of Guqin and modern charm that can revitalize and develop the countryside.

Involving musical instruments

Guqin (pinyin: Gǔ Qín) is a traditional Chinese musical instrument with a history of at least 3,500 years. Guqin is also known as Yaoqin, Yuqin and Seven-stringed Qin. The guqin has 13 emblems that mark the rhythm, and is also a ritual and musical instrument. It belongs to the silk in the octave. Guqin has a wide range, deep timbre and long aftertone.

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