The Pipa ballad "Zhaojun Out" : the praise of historical sadness and national integration in an ancient rhyme

248 views · Organized by 年糕 on 2024-02-20

The Piarpeggio "Zhaojun Out" is a masterpiece of historical significance and dramatic tension in traditional Chinese music. It narrates the historical event of Wang Zhaojun, one of the four beautiful women in ancient China, marrying Xiongnu and promoting peace between Han and Hungary with rich musical language. The song, with its deep feeling and deep moving melody, vividly shows Zhaojun's great feelings of sacrificing his life to the danger in front of the great justice of the country and overcoming the hardness with tenderness.

The Pipa ballad

This Piarpeggio is to unfold this deep and magnificent historical picture through notes, and delicately depict Zhaojun's sadness when she parted from her native land and her firm and brave spirit.

The Pipeggio "Zhaojun Out" uses a wealth of skills and expression techniques in the musical expression, such as push-pull, glissando, string, etc., which properly conveys the complex emotional changes in Zhaojun's heart -- not only the deep love for his hometown, but also the worry and fearlessness of the unknown frontier; There is a lament about the fate of individuals, but also a deep chant for national unity and peace.

The structure of the whole music is clearly structured, and the melody is ups and downs, from the quiet melancholy at the beginning to the passionate, and finally back to the quiet and deep, as if indicating the profound connection between the short personal fate in the long river of history and the eternal national integration. "Out of Zhaojun" is not only an artistic work that tells the heroic deeds of ancient women, but also a musical epic that carries forward the spirit of advocating peace and pursuing unity of the Chinese nation. It occupies an irreplaceable position in the treasure house of music culture in China and even in the world.

Reference materials and contributors

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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