Yang Ming

Organized by 棠舟 on 2022-03-09
Introduction to Yang Ming(national musical instrument)Master composer

Yang Ming, formerly known as Yang Ming. composer. Shandong Penglai people. In 1947, he joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army. He later served as a propagandist of the Propaganda Brigade of the Liaodong Military Region and a creator of the Air Force Art Troupe of the Military Region. In 1954, he joined the Communist Party of China. In 1956 graduated from the Northeast Music College. He has served as the creator and deputy head of the creation group of the Air Force Opera Troupe, and the artistic director of the Air Force Opera Troupe. The song "I love the blue sky of the motherland" and the opera music "Jiang Jie" (cooperation with others) won the Creation Excellence Award and Creation Award in the 3rd 1964 and 1977 4th Chinese People's Liberation Army Art and Culture Performances respectively. The opera music "Remembering Mother" (cooperation with others) won the first prize for the creation of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1979.

Yang Ming enlisted in the army in November 1947, graduated from the Northeast Conservatory of Music (predecessor of Shenyang Conservatory of Music), and is currently a member of the Air Political Song and Dance Troupe, a civilian general, a national first-class composer, a member of the presidium of the China Opera Research Association, an executive director of the China Light Music Society, and a member of the Chinese Music Society. He is a member of the Creation Committee of the National Association of Chinese Dramatists, a member of the Chinese Dramatists Association, and a member of the Evaluation Committee of Senior Professional Titles of the Military Art Series.

He has served as a member of the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Andong Military Region, a member of the Propaganda Brigade of the Liaodong Military Region, a creative member of the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Northeast Military Region, a member of the Cultural and Art Troupe of the Political Department of the Shenyang Air Force, a member and creator of the Air Political Art Troupe, and the deputy leader of the Choreography and Directing Group of the Air Political Opera Troupe. Art director, art director of Kongzheng Song and Dance Troupe. Received third-class merit three times. Enjoy the special allowance of the national government.

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