Aksu's Intangible Cultural Heritage

277 views · Organized by 山霁 on 2022-03-09

Aksu intangible cultural heritage introduction, red canyons, green forests, yellow deserts, blue lakes, golden Populus euphratica, white snow-capped mountains, a variety of colors are intertwined in this magical land.

Xinjiang Uyghur Chorikumu Mai Xirefu

Xinjiang Uygur Maixirefu, also known as Xinjiang Uyghur Querikumu Maixirefu, is a common form of folk entertainment in Aksu area and an ancient folk cultural activity. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage. Protect the project.

Aksu's Intangible Cultural Heritage

It consists of lyrics, music (muqam), dance and various humorous traditional folk games, playing tambourines, dutar singing traditional folk songs together, and dancing in pairs.

Uyghur folk musical instruments
The craftsmanship of Uyghur folk musical instruments mainly includes rewapu, dutar, pluck, and caron. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage protection project.

Aksu's Intangible Cultural Heritage

Involving musical instruments

Kalongqin (pinyin: kǎnóng qín) is an ancient stringed musical instrument with the most strings in Uyghur musical instruments. It is called the seventy-two-stringed pipa and "Kaernai" in the historical records of the Qing Dynasty.
Rewapu (pinyin: rè wǎ pǔ) is a stringed instrument played by the Uyghur and Uzbeks. The popular Kashgar Rewapu has a total length of 130 cm. Rewapu originated in Kashgar, southern Xinjiang. It is not only a favorite musical instrument of the Uyghurs, but also a plucked musical instrument favored by ethnic minorities such as the Tajiks and Uzbeks.
Dutar (pinyin: dū tǎ ěr) is a traditional stringed instrument loved by the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. The Chinese transliteration is also written as "Dutar, Dutar, Dutar" and so on. Xinjiang's national musical instruments have dual nature, not only can be used as an accompaniment to play music, but also can be displayed as a beautiful and gorgeous handicraft.
Tanbull (pinyin: tán bù ěr) is a stringed instrument played by the Uyghur and Uzbeks. The range is wide, the tone is crisp, and it is full of rich national style. Often used for solo, ensemble or accompaniment.

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