Pipa related poems

204 views · Organized by 梦昱 on 2022-02-16
"Pipa Xing" by Bai Juyi in Tang Dynasty. When the writer was demoted to Sima in Jiangzhou (now Jiujiang, Jiangxi), he came across a former Chang'an famous singer. He heard her play the pipa and described the wandering and desolation after aging and fading. From this, he proclaimed that "the same people from the end of the world, meet each other." Why did you ever know each other?" sighed. The narrative is smooth and tactful, and the text is beautiful. It is a famous long narrative poem in ancient times.
"Tell My Heart: Xiaolian Begins on the Pipa Strings" by Su Shi. Xiaolian first got on the pipa strings and broke the blue sky.
"Ancient Military Journey" by Li Qi. Pedestrians fight against the wind and the sand is dark, and the princess Pipa has many resentments.
"Miscellaneous Songs · Weicheng Youth Travel" by Cui Hao. Poor Jinsezheng and Pipa, Yutai Sake is yours.

"Seven Laws: Five Songs of Ancient Relics" by Du Fu. For thousands of years, the pipa has spoken in Hu language, and it is clear that there is resentment in the song.

Pipa related poems

"Pipa" by Bai Juyi. Xianqing plucked the thorn and spoke loudly, but the moon was bright with the lamp on his back. Lai has nothing to worry about, otherwise he would be arrogant.
"Linjiang Immortal" by Yan Jidao. Acacia is said on the pipa string, when the bright moon was there, and the colorful clouds returned.
"Listening to Pipa in Spring and Sihu of Jian Changsun" by Bai Juyi. The four strings are not like the sound of the pipa, and the bells are swayed in a chaotic manner.
"Liu Channu Playing Pipa Song (Sensing the Dream of Han Gong of Xiangguo)" by Gu Kuang. In Yuefu, only the horizontal blowing is good, and the pipa writes Guanshan Road.
"Pipa Song" by Yuan Zhen. There are eighty-one tunes in the palace of the pipa, but the three tunes of the Xuangong cannot be played.
"A new tune score sent by Xie Nvshi Cao Feng, a disciple of the pipa on behalf of the pipa" by Bai Juyi. The Pipa master was in Jiuzhong City, when he suddenly got a book and was surprised.
"Liangzhou Ci" written by Wang Han in Tang Dynasty. The luminous cup of wine and grapes, if you want to drink the pipa, you will be urged immediately. Drunk on the battlefield, Lord Grim, how many people have fought in ancient times?

Involving musical instruments

Pipa (pinyin: pí pa), the first plucked instrument, is a traditional plucked instrument in East Asia, a plucked stringed musical instrument. Made of wood or bamboo, the speaker is half-pear-shaped and has four strings on the top. It was originally made of silk thread, but now it is mostly made of steel wire, steel rope and nylon.

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