War drums (pinyin: Zhàngǔ) are of different sizes, and are divided by the diameter of the drum surface. There are five sizes of 27, 33, 40, 46 and 54 cm, and their drum bodies are 17, 20, 24, 30 and 34 cm high respectively. The material used for making war drums is the same as that of Tanggu, but the drum body can also be made of basswood, with 2-4 drum rings in the middle. Play with a wooden hob. War drums were used on the battlefield in ancient times to send orders and boost morale. In modern times, they are mainly used in folk instrumental ensembles, dances, lantern festivals, acrobatics and gongs and drums.
Big drum (Sanskrit name dundubhi) musical instrument name. A kind of percussion instrument, also known as Taiko and Tanggu, is also the most frequently used percussion instrument. That is, a hollow wooden cylinder is covered with leather for percussion instruments. The exterior color of the drum body is mostly red, and a few are black and wood color. The bass drum is struck by a single drumstick, called the big drumstick, with a head that can be used on both sides and is covered with wool or felt. Usually when struck, it is between the center of the drum and the rim of the drum, and the center of the drum is only used for short and fast hits (staccato) and special effects.
The waist drum (pinyin: Yāogǔ) is one of the traditional Han nationality musical instruments, and it is an ancient national musical instrument of the Chinese Han nationality. It originates from life and expresses life well. The waist drum is a national musical instrument with a long history and crisp sound. the artistry.
The Miao Monkey Drum (Pinyin: Miáozú hóu gǔ), called Gan Na in Miao language, is a unique musical instrument of the Miao people. It is named after the accompaniment "Monkey Dance". Also called flower drum. In the old days, shamans used to falsely call it "barbaric drums". Popular in the Miao areas of Guizhou, Hunan and other provinces. Monkey drums are used in festivals such as the Miao people's cattle-eating feasts, spring tours in the first month and autumn festivals and other occasions, and the scenes are lively and lively.
Bangu (Pinyin: bǎn gǔ) is a kind of percussion instrument, also known as Mingpi and Bangu. The "Jiegu" used in Qing music in the Tang Dynasty may be its predecessor. It has a long history in the folk. The "Continued Documents of the Qing Dynasty" contains: "The bangu, also known as the drum, has an urgent sound and chews, and is the leader of each utensil, and it is not easy to strike." It is the conductor instrument in the Chinese opera orchestra.
Taiping drum (pinyin: tài píng gǔ) is also called "single drum" and "sheepskin drum". Kind of music. Popular all over the North. One of the forms of Han folk dance. The performers are all male. Actors hold a circular single drum made of iron bars with a diameter of about a foot and the drum surface is covered with donkey skins, beat drums with bamboo drum keys, and sing and dance. There are duet and group singing. Lyrics are divided into "Inner Drum" and "Outer Drum": the former is a must-sing word, and the latter has auxiliary lyrics that can be increased or decreased, and the content is mostly folklore and mythology. In the old society, it was sometimes used in superstitious activities such as offering sacrifices and dancing to the gods. After liberation, it was reformed to express the joy and joy of the people.
There are three common types of long drums (pinyin: cháng gǔ), one is the Korean long drum, the other is the Yao nationality long drum, and the other is the Fuzhou wolf string. The Korean long drum is mainly popular in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province and other areas inhabited by Koreans, also known as Fugu. The Yao nationality long drum has been circulated in the Song Dynasty. It is mostly made of Yanzhi wood with fine craftsmanship. It is mainly used for dance accompaniment. Fuzhou wolf string, also known as Fuzhou long drum, is a traditional Fujian folk percussion instrument, which is mostly used in Fujian folk music.
Hand drum (pinyin: shǒu gǔ) is a mixed-membrane sounding instrument of the Uyghur and Uzbeks. It has a long history and has long appeared in Dunhuang and Northern Wei murals from the fourth to sixth centuries. popular in Xinjiang.
Dabu (Pinyin: Dá bo), the soul of Uyghur music, is essential in most dance and folk songs. Dabu's timbre is crisp and loud, the sound intensity varies greatly, and the playing skills are flexible and changeable, which can play a role in setting off the atmosphere of various music plots. Popular in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Double-sided drum (pinyin: Shuāng miàn gǔ), also known as double-sided drum. Dai people's mixed percussion-membrane musical instruments. The Dai language is called Guangsa, Guangbian and Guangbang. Popular in Yunnan Province Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture and other places. Playing double-sided drums varies by region.
Nae (pinyin: Nà é), also known as Reba drum. The Tibetan and Monba people play musical instruments that strike the membrane. The Han people call it the Tibetan hand drum. Popular in Tibet's Qamdo, Nagqu, Nyingchi, Qinghai Yushu, Gannan in Gansu, Ganzi in Sichuan and Diqing in Yunnan and other Tibetan areas. Originally a Tibetan religious musical instrument. It has become an inseparable accompaniment instrument for folk songs and dances such as Tibetan "reba dance". It is called "hand drum" in Chinese. Popular in the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan-inhabited areas.
Pai drum is a new variety of drum instruments. Appeared in the early 1960s, it was produced by Cai Huiquan and Yang Jingming of the China Central Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra based on the reform of the medium-sized hall drum and waist drum commonly used by the people, and has been continuously improved since then. The row drum consists of a set of five drums of different sizes and sounds. The drum is 29 to 33.3 centimeters tall, 16.7 to 37 centimeters in diameter on the upper mouth, and 11.7 to 37 centimeters in diameter on the lower mouth. The outer diameter of the drum frame on both sides of each drum is the same but the inner diameter is different, which can produce two tones with different pitches, so there are ten tones in five drums. The sound of the row drums is fierce and swaying, the treble is firm and powerful, and the middle and bass are generous and bright, especially good at expressing warm and jubilant emotions.
The book drum (pinyin: shū gǔ) is one of the traditional Han Chinese musical instruments. Popular all over the country, it is specially used for the accompaniment of various drum books such as the rap music "Dagushu" in northern China. When playing, the book drum is placed on a drum stand, and the drum stand is made of six thin bamboos tied with ropes. The drum surface is slightly lower than the elbow, or the book drum is supported on a small wooden frame. The rapper holds a book board or pear flower slice in his left hand, and a single arrow in his right hand strikes the drum surface.
The octagonal drum (pinyin: bā jiǎo gǔ) is a kind of slap-membrane musical instrument used by the Manchu people for self-entertainment in ancient times. The drum body is flat and small, and the drum surface is octagonal, representing the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty at that time. The drum frame is made of eight pieces of ebony, red sandalwood, mahogany, rosewood and bone pieces; it is said that the leaders of the Eight Banners each offered a piece of the best wood inlay. Two to three small copper cymbals are embedded in each of the seven sides of the frame, and one side is inlaid with studs and drum spikes, implying the abundance of grains. It is a traditional form of folk art that is popular among the people.
Guangya (pinyin: Guāng yà), also known as Guangtun, is like a foot drum, which means a long tail drum or a short drum. It is an important folk percussion instrument of the Dai people. It is deeply loved by the Dai family and is widely used in the accompaniment of singing, dancing and Dai opera.
The bee drum (pinyin: Fēng gǔ), a porcelain-made mixed percussion instrument, is a thin-waisted drum popular among the Zhuang, Yao and Maonan ethnic groups in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is named for its thin waist, thick two ends, and a drum body that resembles a bee's waist. drum".
Eight-tone drum (pinyin: Bā yīn gǔ), also known as the Eight Immortals Drum. Popular in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guixi Longlin Autonomous County, Xilin County and the border of Guizhou and Guizhou. It is the Zhuang and Gelao musical instruments. Named for its use in the folk instrumental ensemble eight bands. The Zhuang language is called Zhongyi, which means smaller drum.
Xiaogu (pinyin: xiǎo gǔ) is a musical instrument of the Zhuang, Dong, Yi, Tujia and other ethnic groups. Popular in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces. Snare drums are mostly used in the folk, and are used during Chinese New Year. It is basically the same as the big drum, except that the drum skin is made of sheepskin, and the side that does not strike is stretched with multiple strings; the drum drum uses two hardwood drums, and the drum head is smaller and does not contain any foreign objects.
Jiangu (Pinyin: Jiàn gǔ), anciently known as Foot Drum, Jin Drum, Ying Drum, Zhi Drum, and Hanging Drum. The Mongolian, Manchu, Han and other nationalities play musical instruments that strike the membrane. It was used by the palaces of all dynasties. It is popular in lama monasteries in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Qinghai and other provinces and regions and the vast areas of the Han nationality. The Jiangu in the Lama monastery in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has a wooden drum body, a short and round drum body, a drum length of 20 cm, and a diameter of 30 cm at both ends. When playing indoors, insert the wooden column that runs straight through the drum body into the wooden base, and play with both hands; when playing outdoors, hold the wooden column with the left hand and play with the single hammer with the right hand.
Tambourine (Pinyin: líng gǔ) is a percussion instrument of Uyghur, Korean, Uzbek, Tajik and other ethnic groups. It is popular in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Jilin Yanbian. The drum frame is made of wood and one-sided skin. There are three kinds of large, medium and small. . For singing and dancing or instrumental ensembles. Tambourine, also known as "hand drum", whether in folk dance or band accompaniment, tambourine is a kind of rhythm percussion instrument with strong color, which can be used as accompaniment, accompaniment dance and accompaniment song. The rhythm is free and the player can improvise.
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