Dongbuer (pinyin: dōng bù ěr) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Xibo people. Unique in shape, it is a new variety of musical instruments created on the basis of Han Sanxian and Kazakh Akendumbra. It is popular in Qabqal Xibo Autonomous County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Huocheng, Gongliu and other places.
Biyue corbel (pinyin: bì yuē niú tuǐ qín) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Hani people. Popular in the Mojiang Hani Autonomous County, Simao, Yunnan Province, it is generally used for solo and folk song accompaniment.
Uzbek Rewapu (Pinyin: wū zī bié kè rè wǎ pǔ) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Uzbek and Uyghur ethnic groups. It can be used for solo, ensemble or accompaniment, and is often used with Uzbek Rewapu in ethnic bands.
Balangzikumu (pinyin: bā lǎng zī kù mù​) is a Tajik plucked stringed musical instrument. Popular in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Han Xiaozheng is a small guzheng musical instrument developed and manufactured by Mr. Shi Jian, who graduated from Nanjing University of the Arts with a master's degree in Guzheng, and Gao Tu, a master of Dunhuang.
The Zhuang Sanxian (pinyin: zhuàng zú sān xián) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Zhuang people. The shape is similar to the small sanxian of the Han and Lahu nationalities, and the timbre is crisp and bright. Popular in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Longlin, Xilin, Tianlin, Leye, Lingyun, Baise, Tianyang, Tiandong, Debao, Jingxi and other parts of western and southern Guangxi.
Yanzhu Konghou (pinyin: yàn zhù kōng hóu) is a new type of plucked stringed musical instrument. It is named after the wild goose column as a sound guide. It is another new achievement in the development of Konghou in my country after the double-row string quivering Konghou.
The Xibo iron reed (pinyin: Xíbó zú tiě huáng) is a traditional musical instrument of the Xibo people, belonging to the class of reed instruments. It is made by bending a 10 cm long iron bar into pliers. It is shaped as a capital frame, and the spring tongue sandwiched in the middle is made of thin steel sheet or thin steel sheet. The playing method is the same as that of the pincer-shaped iron spring.
Bow Qin (pinyin: gōng qín) is a bowed qin plucked stringed musical instrument. It has a long history, primitive shape, soft pronunciation and beautiful timbre. Often used to accompany folk songs or dances. It is popular in the Bunun, Zou and other ethnic inhabited areas among the aborigines in Taiwan.
Feitekena (pinyin: fēi tè kè nà) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of the Xibe people. The Xibe language "fitek na" means plucked music and flowers open, so it is also called plucked piano. It is popular in Qabqal Xibe Autonomous County, Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The big pipa of the Dong nationality (pinyin: dòng zú dà pí pa) is the big pipa of the Dong nationality. It is popular in Rongjiang, Congjiang and Liping in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province, Sanjiang and Rongshui in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and Datong Dong Autonomous County in Hunan Province.
Er cymbal (pinyin: dà sān xián) is a plucked stringed musical instrument of Mongolian, Manchu, and Han nationalities. Popular in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other provinces.
Kumuriyi (pinyin: kù mù rì yī) is a Tajik plucked stringed musical instrument. Also known as Kumuri. The shape is the same as Dolangewafu and Rebub, and it is generally used for religion. Popular in Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
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