
Mangotube overview


Mangtong (Pinyin: máng tǒng), also known as Ditong, Mangtong, Lushengtong, is a single-reed gas-sounding instrument of Miao, Dong, Shui, Yao and other nationalities, popular in Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan and other provinces.

The specifications of the mango tube are based on the resonance tube, and the sizes are different. The small ones are 30 cm to 70 cm high, the larger ones are 100 cm to 150 cm high, the outer diameter is 10 to 20 cm, and the inner diameter is 8 cm to 18 cm. Pass up to about 200 cm. According to the size and height of the resonator, the pitch of the mango can be divided into treble, alto, tenor, bass and double bass, which form several octaves in turn in a coherent band. The reeds participating in the ensemble are the same.

The sound of the mango tube is thick and strong, and the weak tone is round and soft. When the double bass mango is played, the sound is like an overwhelming sound, rolling in, and its sound can be heard from miles away.

  • type:clarinet air musical instrument
  • nickname:Earth tube, mang tube, reed tube
  • Pinyin:máng tǒng
  • popular area:Guizhou, Guangxi, Hunan and other provinces
  • nationality:Miao, Dong, Shui, Yao and other ethnic groups

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