The 6th "Colorful Central South" Ethnic Culture Exchange Festival was held in September in the golden autumn

225 views · Organized by 一口泡芙 on 2022-10-13

Recently, the sixth "Colorful Central South" Ethnic Culture Exchange Festival was held in Wuhan Central South University for Nationalities. Ethnic dance performances, ethnic instrumental performances, ethnic music performances, ethnic drama performances and other cultural and artistic performances were colorful. The shocking ethnic art performances attracted continuous cheers and applause from the audience. This ethnic culture exchange festival set off a most dazzling ethnic style in the most beautiful river city in the golden autumn of September.

The 6th

"Fifty six nationalities, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family, fifty-six languages, come together in one sentence, love my China, love my China, love my China!" With the music of the 56 ethnic groups singing and dancing performance "Love Me China", the sixth "Colorful Central South" Ethnic Culture Exchange Festival was officially kicked off. The 56 ethnic groups dressed in colorful costumes of all ethnic groups performed together on the stage, showing the colorful national culture and the style of the times, laying the main tone for the wonderful performance of this evening.

The 6th

"Herdsmen portray a happy scene. The spring scenery is as beautiful as a picture. Shepherdesses sing loudly, and happy songs are heard all over the world..." As a representative instrument of the Mongolian nation, the horse head fiddle not only occupies a place in the musical instrument family of China and the world, but also is a national instrument deeply loved by folk artists and grassland herders. The sound played by the horse head fiddle is deep, rough and passionate,

It expresses the Mongolian living landscape and grassland style. The infatuated national instrumental performance of the horse head fiddle that night seemed to put the audience in the magnificent situation of "the sky is vast, the wild is vast, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows the grass".

"The Chinese nation is a close family. We are one family. We are united in building the Chinese dream. Our hearts are set against each other from all corners of the world. Fifty six brothers and sisters are concerned about each other. We are one family in the wind and rain!" Liangshan Yi Youth Singer, Producer Musician An Yi (Yi nationality's name is Raelierqi) was interviewed by a reporter and said, "This time, build the Chinese Dream with one heart" In the song performance, the singers and actors rehearsed dozens of times before the official performance. It is also a great honor to work with a large number of Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Kazak and other ethnic singers. I hope that ethnic music can flourish under the continuous efforts of young artists of all ethnic groups, and can continue to go to the nation, the public, and the world. " Anyi and DOSSA JEAN TYCHIQUES GBELIHO, a drummer from the Republic of Benin, also performed the Yi traditional song "Son of the Earth" on the same stage. The audience applauded and cheered continuously.

The 6th

As the music of the Uyghur song "Jump happily" gradually rings, Uyghur dance performances shine. Uyghur dance and other ethnic dances have both common styles and different regional characteristics. Uyghur dance is mainly characterized by the movement of all parts of the body and eye contact. The dancers have different movements from head, shoulder, waist, arm to toe. Raising their head, chest and waist is an important feature of body posture. The stage actors form a warm, bold, stable and delicate stage style charm through the body performance of dynamic and static combination, the comparison of big and small movements, and the embellishment of decorative movements such as neck movement and wrist turnover.

The sixth "Colorful Central South" Ethnic Culture Exchange Festival fully promoted the exchange of ethnic cultures, and demonstrated the unique charm of ethnic cultures. All ethnic art programs are beautiful, beautiful, and colorful, and achieved complete success.

Involving musical instruments

Matouqin (pinyin: mǎ tóu qín) is a two-stringed stringed musical instrument with a trapezoidal body and a handle carved into the shape of a horse's head. A sort of.

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